Loisanne's Blog

The meandering path of my life

It’s a good day

Today has been a good day. It’s not over yet though. Hmm, that sounds a little negative but I didn’t mean it that way. I just meant that I still have a few hours left to accomplish something. I haven’t really accomplished much…but it’s still been a good day. The weather was nice. I took a long nap. I did some laundry and dishes. I feel good. Maybe it’s the extra sleep. I wish I knew…I’d write it down and do it all the time. I still haven’t been able to figure out why sometimes I feel good and others I don’t.

I didn’t get any writing done today…I wanted to…but I just didn’t sit down and do it. It’s ok. I’m not going to beat myself up about it. I have done a little bit in the last few days. I decided to write a scene about my villian. I’ve finished sketching the outline of it. Just the outline is good. I hope I can do it justice when I actually write it out. It needs to be a powerful scene. I hope I can convey the horror and sadness of it all. We shall see.

I’ve been thinking about creating a blog for my writing group. I would love for us all to contribute, but I’m not sure everyone wants to. I will probably put it on the back burner for now and save it for another time. I just really think that it could be an awesome thing if everyone contributed something. We have such wonderful people in our group. It seems that we are all going through stressful times right now…some more than others. The blog can wait.

I’ve been thinking about doing a personal blog as well. Something anonymous. Something I can use for recording all my day to day BS. Yeah, if I really wanted it to be anonymous I’d just do a journal on my computer and not on the internet. I really like WordPress blogs though and it’s not that I don’t want anyone to read it…I just don’t want anyone to know it’s me…LOL. It would just be another one of thousands of other blogs that people write. I don’t care about strangers reading it…it’s the people I know that I’m not too keen on having them read it and know it’s me. I don’t think I’m in any danger of that though. I’ve posted the link to this blog on my Facebook and writing group sites and no one ever seems to visit…LOL.

Well, I guess I better get off here and take advantage of what’s left of the evening. My kitchen could definitely use a little (ok, a lot) more work. I still have laundry to fold and put away too. I’m not sure if I’m going to have to go get Joseph from his friends or if he’s going to spend the night. To tell the truth, I wouldn’t mind if he spent the night. It would save me another trip this evening.


January 22, 2010 Posted by | Family, Life, Writing | , , | Leave a comment